The Obj class is the base class for every other class in your game. It handles everything that a general object needs to be handled. Any of these methods can be used by any class.
Discards the instance created by the new() method.
Returns a pointer to the object.
In Obj, this is just an empty method which acts as a place holder.
Checks to see if the object is the same as, or a descendant of pObj.
If pObj is a class, the object is an instance, and the object is the same species as pObj, it returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Creates an instance of the class and returns a pointer to it.
Calls pObj's doit() method, then, all the methods/properties specified is params.
Checks to see if the object will respond to the specified selector (property or method). Call this before calling an object's method or accessing an
object's property if you are unsure if the object actually contains it.
Prints the object name to the screen in a message box.
Copies the object's name to strBuf. It returns a pointer to the string (strBuf).
Returns a pointer to the object.