
Strings are an array of characters ending in a NULL ('\0') character. They are used for things such as printing text, message boxes, menus and titlebars.

Strings can either be directly inserted into your code like this...

(procedure (TitleProc)
  Display("SCI Quest")

...or you can declare them in the script segment and use their label...

  TitleString = "SCI Quest"

(procedure (TitleProc)

Strings can be split up onto multiple lines with the '+' operator.

(procedure (TitleProc)
    "This is a very long "+
    "That uses three lines in this source file"

Because strings are arrays, you can use them as arrays...
  // A simple string.
  SomeString = "This is a string"
  // Numbers can be inserted into the strings.
  AnotherString = ("H" "ELL" "O" $20 "There!" 0)
  // This allocates 40 bytes of an empty string.
  // This allocates 20 bytes of string. The first five bytes are filled with "Hello".
YetAnotherString[20] = "Hello"

(procedure (StringProc)
  // You can make use of the array.
  // This would display "is a string"