The Sound class handles all the sound aspects of your game.
Creates a new sound instance.If theOwner is specified, it sets the sound's owner property to theOwner, otherwise, it sets it to NULL. It returns a pointer
to the new instance created.
Sets up the sound class.It sets the signal, prevSignal and state properties to zero, then adds it to the global Sounds set. Lastly, it calls DoSound()
Disposes of the sound instance.If fKEEP_CLIENT is FALSE, or no parameter is given, the client property is set to NULL. It then removes the sound from
the global Sounds set. It then disposes the sound.
Plays the sound.If the sound is already playing, it stops it, then starts playing it again. It initializes the sound, and if specified, sets the client
property to theClient.
Calls it's play() method, and any other sendParams specified. If bit 1 of state is set, it then disposes it.
Stops playing the sound is the handle property is set. If fKEEP_CLIENT is specified, and FALSE, the client property is set to NULL.
If the signal property is set, it sets the prevSignal to signal, signal to 0, and if the client property is set, calls the client's cue() method.
Pauses the pSound instance.
Reevaluates the sound's state.
If the owner property is NULL, or anOwner is euqal to the owner, the instance is disposed of.
Fades the sound instance specified by pSound.