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The SCI Font Resource

SCI font resources remained unchanged during the SCI revisions and were still used in SCI32. Their format is relatively straightforward and completely sufficient for any 8 or even 16 bit character table:

Table 3-1. The SCI font resource data structure

Offset Type Meaning
0 16 bit integer, little endian encoding Always zero (?)
2 16 bit integer, little endian encoding NUMCHAR: Number of characters
4 16 bit integer, little endian encoding HEIGHT: Number of pixel lines per text line
6 + NR * 2 16 bit integer, little endian encoding Absolute offset of the character #NR, where 0 <= NR < NUMCHAR

HEIGHT does not affect the height of a character, though- it only tells the interpreter how far to move downwards when displaying a line of text. The characters referenced to starting at offset 6 are encoded as follows:

Table 3-2. The SCI font resource character data structure

Offset Type Meaning
0 unsigned 8 bit integer character HEIGHT
1 unsigned 8 bit integer character WIDTH
2... bitmask, size HEIGHT * round_up(WIDTH / 8) Bitmask for the character

The bitmap consists of HEIGHT lines of n bytes, where n equals the number of bytes required for storing WIDTH bits. Data is stored with the MSB first, in little-endian encoding (first byte describes the 8 leftmost pixels), where a pixel is drawn iff the bit it corresponds to is set.

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