And to think that prior to Chapter 3 of this tutorial, you may have never before made use of any text resources, but now and when we actually get to coding the rooms, they are going to become your very best friends.
Now, I realize that without actually seeing the code that is going to be accessing this resource, you might not believe that we are actually going to use them, trust me on this one, I am pretty sure that you will. If not, you can always come in later and change these to something else if you don't like what I have everything set up to do. This text resource is going to handle most of the default clicks, or clicks on things that aren't handled by the room's scripts, mainly clicks on ego help, and whatnot.
Open up a new text resource and let's begin with the help statements.
Just to make sure, you have plenty of room to add in more help messages if you feel you need them, we are going to go ahead and add in a few empty lines just so you won't have to rearrange things in the future. The next line that we are actually going to start using is going to be line 10, so if you want, go ahead and just enter a space or whatever in lines 6 through 9 just in case.
Now, let's go ahead and add in a few lines for random "action" clicks on the ego.
That takes care of all of the clicks on the ego and random item clicks in room, I have the point and click script set up to randomly pick from three possible responses for each action, look, talk, hand, items. Now, we need to handle the texts for the "system" options, basically the statements that are printed along with the quit and restart dialogs.
That is all we need out of this text resource for the tutorial, save this as number 950.
Now, While we are creating texts, let's go ahead and start off with Room 1's text resource. As the point and click script is currently written, you will need a separate text resource for each room. The room number should correspond to the text resource number, so room 1 will require text resource 1.
The default clicks handled by the point and click script require that line 0, 1, and 2, be set up as the rooms default clicks (or clicks on stuff that is not handled in the rooms script specifically) as the following actions look, talk, and get.
So for instance, clicking on nothing with the look cursor will print text resource line 0, the general description of the room.
Open up another new text resource and enter this stuff.
Since this resource is going to be used for room 1, save it as resource number 1.
All right, that is that, we now have two text resources for the point and click room. Remember 950 holds all of the texts which are needed for the point and click menu itself, while text resource 1 holds all of the texts for room 1 specifically. As you add in more rooms, room 2 will try to access text resource 2 and so on.
That sums up the creation of the Point and Click Text resources!
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