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Chapter 11 - Creating the Point and Click Script

I will come in and add in a little description of what we are doing and why but as I seem to have trouble finding the time to do that right now, here is the point and click menu script, save as resource 950.

// PnCMenu.sc
// Contains the script which runs the point and click menu. 
(include "sci.sh")(include "game.sh")                               (script 950)
(use "main")(use "controls")(use "cycle")(use "game")(use "feature")
(use "obj")(use "gauge")
       txtstring[50]        // used to display and update any printed variables
(instance public PnCMenu of Rgn
  (method (init)


    (switch(menuOption) // depending on which menu was last visible, repeat it
      (case 0 (menuZero:setPri(15)ignoreActors()cel(1)init())        // action menu button highlight
      	      (menuOne:setPri(15)ignoreActors()cel(2)init())         // system menu button un-highlight
      	      (walkIcon:loop(0)cel(0)setPri(15)ignoreActors()init()) //walk
      	      (talkIcon:setPri(15)ignoreActors()init()loop(0))       // talk
      	      (getIcon:loop(0)setPri(15)ignoreActors()init())        // hand
      	      (lookIcon:loop(0)setPri(15)ignoreActors()init())       // look
      	      (actionIcon:loop(0)setPri(15)ignoreActors()init())     // inventory
      	      ) // end case 0
      (case 1 (menuZero:setPri(15)ignoreActors()cel(0)init())
      	      (walkIcon:loop(1)cel(0)setPri(15)ignoreActors()init()) // speed/ volume controls
      	      (talkIcon:setPri(15)ignoreActors()init()loop(1))       // restart
      	      (getIcon:loop(1)setPri(15)ignoreActors()init())        // load game
      	      (lookIcon:loop(1)setPri(15)ignoreActors()init())       // save game
      	      (actionIcon:loop(1)setPri(15)ignoreActors()init())     // quit
      	      ) // end case 1
    ) // end menuOption switch
  ) // end init method
) // end public instance

(instance PnCMenuScript of Script
  (method (doit)
    (case 0 (menuZero:cel(1))
    	     (if(== gCurrentCursor 999)(walkIcon:loop(0)cel(1)))
    	     (else (walkIcon:loop(0)cel(0)))
    	     (if(== gCurrentCursor 996)(talkIcon:loop(0)cel(3)))
    	     (else (talkIcon:loop(0)cel(2)))
    	     (if(== gCurrentCursor 995)(getIcon:loop(0)cel(5)))
    	     (else (getIcon:loop(0)cel(4)))
    	     (if(== gCurrentCursor 998)(lookIcon:loop(0)cel(7)))
    	     (else (lookIcon:loop(0)cel(6)))
    	     (if(== gCurrentCursor itemIcon)(actionIcon:loop(0)cel(9)))
    	     (else (actionIcon:loop(0)cel(8))))
    (case 1 (menuZero:cel(0))
    	    (actionIcon:loop(1)cel(4)))) // end switch
  ) // end method

  (method (handleEvent pEvent)
    (if(==(send pEvent:type())evMOUSEBUTTON)
      // handles the mouses right clicks
      (if(& (send pEvent:modifiers) emRIGHT_BUTTON)
       (if(== gProgramControl TRUE)(send pEvent:claimed(TRUE))) // do nothing
       (else (send pEvent:claimed(TRUE))
         (case itemIcon  SetCursor(999 HaveMouse()) = gCurrentCursor 999) // item to walk
         (case 999 SetCursor(996 HaveMouse()) = gCurrentCursor 996) // walk to talk
         (case 996 SetCursor(995 HaveMouse()) = gCurrentCursor 995) // talk to touch
         (case 995 SetCursor(998 HaveMouse()) = gCurrentCursor 998) // touch to look
         (case 998 (if (== itemIcon 900)
       		     SetCursor(999 HaveMouse()) = gCurrentCursor 999) // look to walk if no item
       		     SetCursor(itemIcon HaveMouse()) = gCurrentCursor itemIcon) // look to item
	     ) // end case
        ) // end switch
       ) // end else
      ) // end right button
      // handles the mouses left clicks
      (if(not(& (send pEvent:modifiers) emRIGHT_BUTTON))
       (if(== gProgramControl TRUE)(send pEvent:claimed(TRUE))) // do nothing
       (else                       // handle the clicks on the menu buttons
       	 (if((>  (send pEvent:x) (getIcon:nsLeft))and // hand or restore button
             (<  (send pEvent:x) (getIcon:nsRight))and
             (<  (send pEvent:y) (getIcon:nsTop))and
             (<  (send pEvent:y) (getIcon:nsBottom)))
       	         (case 0 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
       	                 SetCursor(995 HaveMouse()) = gCurrentCursor 995)
                 (case 1 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
                         (send gGame:restore()))
                ) // end switch
       	 ) // end click on view
         (if((>(send pEvent:x) (lookIcon:nsLeft))and
             (< (send pEvent:x) (lookIcon:nsRight))and
       			(< (send pEvent:y) (lookIcon:nsTop))and
       			(< (send pEvent:y) (lookIcon:nsBottom)))
       				(case 0 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
       					    SetCursor(998 HaveMouse()) = gCurrentCursor 998)
       			    (case 1 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
       			    	    (send gGame:save()))) // end switch
       		  ) // end click on view
         (if((> (send pEvent:x) (talkIcon:nsLeft))and
             (< (send pEvent:x) (talkIcon:nsRight))and
             (< (send pEvent:y) (talkIcon:nsTop))and
             (< (send pEvent:y) (talkIcon:nsBottom)))
       			              (case 0 // action menu - Talk
       			              	(send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
       			              	SetCursor(996 HaveMouse())
       			              	= gCurrentCursor 996
       			              ) // end case 0
       			              (case 1  // system menu - restart
       			              	(send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
       			              	 (if(Print(950 25 #title "Restart" #font gDefaultFont #button "Restart" 1 #button " Oops " 0))
       			              	 	(send gGame:restart())) // end if
       			              ) // end case 1
       			            ) // end switch
       			) // end click on view
         (if((> (send pEvent:x) (walkIcon:nsLeft))and
             (< (send pEvent:x) (walkIcon:nsRight))and
             (< (send pEvent:y) (walkIcon:nsTop))and
             (< (send pEvent:y) (walkIcon:nsBottom)))
       			               (case 0 // action menu - Walk
       			               	(send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
       			               	SetCursor(999 HaveMouse()) 
       			               	= gCurrentCursor 999
       			               ) // end case 0
       			               (case 1 // system menu - speed/volume
       			               	(send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))  
       			               	= sGauge (Gauge:new()) 
       			               	= vGauge (Gauge:new())  
       			               	= pncSpeed (send sGauge:text("Game Speed")
       			               		     description("Use the mouse or the left and right arrow keys to select the game speed.")
       			               		                    higher(" + ")
       			               		                    lower(" - ")
       			               		                    doit(- 15 gSpeed)) // end sgauge info
       			               	(send gGame:setSpeed(- 15 pncSpeed))
       			               	= pncVolume (send vGauge:text("Sound Volume")
       			                                         description("Use the mouse or the left and right arrow keys to adjust the volume.")
       			                                         Higher(" + ")
       			                                         lower(" - ")
       			                                         doit(DoSound(sndVOLUME pncVolume))) // end vgauge info 
       			               	DoSound(sndVOLUME pncVolume)) // end case 1
       			             ) // end switch
       			) // end click on view
         (if((> (send pEvent:x) (actionIcon:nsLeft))and
             (< (send pEvent:x) (actionIcon:nsRight))and
             (< (send pEvent:y) (actionIcon:nsTop))and
             (< (send pEvent:y) (actionIcon:nsBottom)))
       		                   (case 0 // action menu - Inventory
       		                   	(send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
       				             (if(== canTab TRUE)
                                    = gPreviousCursor gCurrentCursor
                                    (send gRoom:newRoom(500)))
                                 (else Print("Not right now man, sorry!"))) // end case 0
                               (case 1 // system menu - quit
                               	(send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE)) 
                               	(if(Print(950 26 #title "Quit"  #font gDefaultFont #button " Quit " 1 #button " Oops " 0))
                               		= gQuitGame TRUE
                               	)) // end case 1
                              ) // end switch
            ) // end click on view
         (if((> (send pEvent:x) (menuZero:nsLeft))and // clicks on menu selection - action
             (< (send pEvent:x) (menuZero:nsRight))and
             (< (send pEvent:y) (menuZero:nsTop))and
             (< (send pEvent:y) (menuZero:nsBottom))) 
             = menuOption 0
             (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))) // end click on view
       (else(if((> (send pEvent:x) (menuOne:nsLeft))and // clicks on menu selection - system
       			(< (send pEvent:x) (menuOne:nsRight))and
       			(< (send pEvent:y) (menuOne:nsTop))and
       			(< (send pEvent:y) (menuOne:nsBottom)))
       			   = menuOption 1 
       			   (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
            ) // end click on view
       	 (if((> (send pEvent:x) (helpbutton:nsLeft))and
       	 	 (< (send pEvent:x) (helpbutton:nsRight))and
       	 	 (< (send pEvent:y) (helpbutton:nsTop))and
       	 	 (< (send pEvent:y) (helpbutton:nsBottom)))
       	 	 Format(@txtstring 950 0 gGameTitle)
       	 	 Print(@txtstring gGameTitle #title "Help")
       	 	 Print(950 1 #title "Help")
       	 	 Print(950 2 #title "Help")
       	 	 Print(950 3 #title "Help")
       	 	 Print(950 4 #title "Help")
       	 	 Format(@txtstring 950 5 gGameTitle)
       	 	 Print(@txtstring gGameTitle #title "Help")
       	 	 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))
//                        Default Action Clicks
// View                                                       // clicks on ego
(if((> (send pEvent:x) (send gEgo:nsLeft))and
	(< (send pEvent:x) (send gEgo:nsRight))and
	(< (send pEvent:y) (send gEgo:nsTop))and
	(< (send pEvent:y) (send gEgo:nsBottom)))
    (case 999 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(FALSE))) // walk
    (case 998 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))   // look
    	  (switch(random(0 2))
    	  	(case 0 Print(950 10))
    	  	(case 1 Print(950 11))
    	  	(case 2 Print(950 12))) // end random switch
    ) // end case look
    (case 996 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))   // talk
    	  (switch(random(0 2))
    	  	(case 0 Print(950 13))
    	  	(case 1 Print(950 14))
    	  	(case 2 Print(950 15))) // end random switch
    ) // end case talk
    (case 995 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))  // get
    	  (switch(random(0 2))
    	  	(case 0 Print(950 16))
    	  	(case 1 Print(950 17))
    	  	(case 2 Print(950 18))) // end random switch
    ) // end case get
    (default  (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))  // item
    	  (switch(random(0 2))
    	  	(case 0 Print(950 19))
    	  	(case 1 Print(950 20))
    	  	(case 2 Print(950 21))
          ) // end random switch
    ) // end case item
  ) // end switch
) // end if ego
//                                                            // Room defaults
    (case 999 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(FALSE))) // walk
    (case 998 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))Print(gRoomNumber 0)) // look
    (case 996 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))Print(gRoomNumber 1)) // talk
    (case 995 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))Print(gRoomNumber 2)) // get
    (default  (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE)) // items
    	      (switch(Random(0 2))
    	      	(case 0 Print(950 22))
    	      	(case 1 Print(950 23))
    	      	(case 2 Print(950 24))
              ) // end random switch
    ) // end default case
  ) // end cursor switch
) // end else room default
                      ) // end else ego default
                    )   // end else help button
                  )     // end menuone
                )       // end menuzero
              )         // end action
            )           // end walk
          )             // end talk
        )               // end look
      )                 // end get
    )                   // end if mousebutton
  )                     // end method
)                       // end instance
(instance menuTop of Prop(properties x 24 y 16 view 950 loop 2 cel 0))
(instance lookIcon of Prop(properties x 24 y 46 view 950 loop 0 cel 6))
(instance getIcon of Prop(properties x 24 y 76 view 950 loop 0 cel 4))
(instance talkIcon of Prop(properties x 24 y 106 view 950 loop 0 cel 2))
(instance walkIcon of Prop(properties x 24 y 136 view 950 loop 0 cel 1))
(instance actionIcon of Prop(properties x 24 y 166 view 950 loop 0 cel 8))
(instance menuBot of Prop(properties x 24 y 182 view 950 loop 3 cel 0))

(instance menuZero of Prop(properties x 14 y 14 view 950 loop 4 cel 0))
(instance menuOne of Prop(properties x 24 y 14 view 950 loop 4 cel 1))
(instance helpbutton of Prop(properties x 34 y 14 view 950 loop 4 cel 4))

There it is, the Point and Click Room Script! Are you ready to actually use it in a room?

< Previous: Chapter 10 - Point and Click Menu Views Next: Chapter 12 - Creating the Room 1 Script >

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